Hlavní obsah stránky
  • Anglický jazyk English Adventure 2 Class CD (Worrall, A.) [CD] (Kniha)
  • Anglický jazyk English Adventure 2 Class CD (Worrall, A.) [CD] (Kniha)
  • Anglický jazyk English Adventure 2 Class CD (Worrall, A.) [CD] (Kniha)
Anglický jazyk English Adventure 2 Class CD (Worrall, A.) [CD] (Kniha)

English Adventure 2 Class CD (Worrall, A.) [CD] (Kniha)

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AngličtinaPublikace: English Adventure 2 - Class CD - Anne Worrall. *Gently-paced and well-structured syllabus with strong recycling and revision to ensure maximum retention * Extensive range of activities that cater to different learning styles and contexts * Carefully balanced content that grows with your students and their changing interests English Adventure offers a generous range of supplementary materials to support teachers through lesson preparation, teaching and assessment - interleaved Teacher's Book, puppets, posters, flashcards and much more.

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Publikace: English Adventure 2 - Class CD - Anne Worrall. *Gently-paced and well-structured syllabus with strong recycling and revision to ensure maximum retention * Extensive range of activities that cater to different learning styles and contexts * Carefully balanced content that grows with your students and their changing interests English


KategorieAnglický jazyk
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