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Cizojazyčná kniha Amazing Book is Not on Fire: The World of Dan and Phil - Dan Howell, Phil Lester (2015, pevná s přebalem lesklá)

Amazing Book is Not on Fire: The World of Dan and Phil - Dan Howell, Phil Lester (2015, pevná s přebalem lesklá)

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Angličtina, počet stran 224, rok vydání 2015, pevná / vázanáIn this book is a world. A world created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the internet! We are Dan and Phil and we invite you on a journey inside our minds! From the stories of our actual births, to exploring Phil’s teenage diary and all the reasons why Dan’s a fail.

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In this book is a world. A world created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the internet! We are Dan and Phil and we invite you on a journey inside our minds! From the stories of our actual births, to exploring Phil’s teenage diary and all the reasons why Dan’s a fail. Learn how to draw the perfect cat whiskers, get advice on how to


VýrobceEbury Publishing
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KategorieCizojazyčné knihy
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Počet stran224
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Rok vydání2015
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Vazbapevná / vázaná
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Cizojazyčné knihy Ebury Publishing