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Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life - Carole Taylor (EN)

Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life - Carole Taylor (EN)

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Rok vydání 2018, angličtina, počet stran 256, pevná / vázanáFind out how to use your birth horoscope to enhance and transform every area of your life. In Astrology, you'll see how to cast and read your own birth chart; how to interpret the zodiac signs, the sun, moon and other planets, and the astrological houses to better understand yourself and your place in the world around you.

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Find out how to use your birth horoscope to enhance and transform every area of your life. In Astrology, you'll see how to cast and read your own birth chart; how to interpret the zodiac signs, the sun, moon and other planets, and the astrological houses to better understand yourself and your place in the world around you. The book sets out


VýrobceNakladatelství Slovart
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KategorieZdraví a životní styl
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Rok vydání2018
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Počet stran256
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Vazbapevná / vázaná
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