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Filmová hudba Avatar - James Horner [CD]

Avatar - James Horner [CD]

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Druh média CDPoslechněte si soundtrack z filmu Avatar od skladatele Jamese Hornera. Skladby: 1.

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Poslechněte si soundtrack z filmu Avatar od skladatele Jamese Hornera. Skladby: 1. You don\'t dream in cryo....\" 2. Jake enters his avatar world 3. Pure spirits of the forest 4. Night iridescence 5. Becoming one of \"The People\" Becoming one with 6. Neytiri 7. Climbing up \"Iknimaya - The Stairway to Heaven\" 8. Jake\'s first flight 9. Scorched earth 10. Quaritch 11. The destruction of \"Home Tree\" 12. Shutting down Grace\'s lab 13. Gathering all the Na\'vi clans for battle 14. War 15. I See You - Leona Lewis


VýrobceWarner Music
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KategorieFilmová hudba
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Druh médiaCD
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