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Cizojazyčná kniha Basics Photography 02: Lighting - David Präkel (EN)

Basics Photography 02: Lighting - David Präkel (EN)

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Understanding light is fundamental to good photography. How any image is lit will change how the viewer sees and interprets the content. The second edition of Basics Photography 02: Lighting teaches the theory and background of how light 'works', the different types of light and the rules it obeys. Natural light, available light and photographic light sources in the studio are all explained and key guidance given on how to measure, control and use light for the best photographic exposure.

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Understanding light is fundamental to good photography. How any image is lit will change how the viewer sees and interprets the content. The second edition of Basics Photography 02: Lighting teaches the theory and background of how light 'works', the different types of light and the rules it obeys.


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KategorieCizojazyčné knihy
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