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Cizojazyčná kniha Batman Unwrapped: Death of the Family - Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo (EN)

Batman Unwrapped: Death of the Family - Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo (EN)

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Angličtina, počet stran 160, rok vydání 2017, pevná / vázanáPresented in Greg Capullo’s original pencilled art for the first time ever, the New York Times best-selling creators Scott Snyder and Capullo reveal untapped depths of depravity for the Clown Prince of Crime in Batman Unwrapped : Death of the Family. A year ago, Batman’s arch-nemesis disappeared after getting the worst facelift in history.

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Presented in Greg Capullo’s original pencilled art for the first time ever, the New York Times best-selling creators Scott Snyder and Capullo reveal untapped depths of depravity for the Clown Prince of Crime in Batman Unwrapped : Death of the Family. A year ago, Batman’s arch-nemesis disappeared after getting the worst facelift in history. Now the Joker has returned—and he has been…transformed. The Dark Knight is no longer the target of his uniquely


VýrobceWarner Bros
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KategorieCizojazyčné knihy
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Počet stran160
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Rok vydání2017
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Vazbapevná / vázaná
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