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Catering: A Guide to Managing a Successful Business Operation - Bruce Mattel [EN] (2015, pevná)

Catering: A Guide to Managing a Successful Business Operation - Bruce Mattel [EN] (2015, pevná)

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Rok vydání 2015, počet stran 320, angličtina, pevná / vázanáFrom launching the business, establishing pricing, setting up a kitchen, staffing, and marketing to planning events, organizing service, preparing food, managing the dining room and beverages, and developing menus, Catering: A Guide to Managing a Successful Business Operation, Second Edition, provides detailed guidance on every aspect of the catering business. This Second Edition is thoroughly revised and updated to include information on catering for dietary restrictions and food allergies, contemporary techniques such as sous-vide technology, and plating and presentation.

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From launching the business, establishing pricing, setting up a kitchen, staffing, and marketing to planning events, organizing service, preparing food, managing the dining room and beverages, and developing menus, Catering: A Guide to Managing a Successful Business Operation, Second Edition, provides detailed guidance on every aspect of the catering business.


VýrobceJohn Wiley & Sons
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KategorieKuchařky a nápoje
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Rok vydání2015
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Počet stran320
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Vazbapevná / vázaná
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