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Celtic Flame: An Insider´s Guide to Irish Pagan Tradition – Aedh Rua [EN] (2008, brožovaná)

Celtic Flame: An Insider´s Guide to Irish Pagan Tradition – Aedh Rua [EN] (2008, brožovaná)

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Angličtina, počet stran 168, rok vydání 2008, brožovanáThis book is a complete, practical guide to Irish Pagan traditions that will give you access to essential information about the Pagan Irish deities, spirits, worldview, values, and way of life. More important, it includes information on tools, rituals, and magick that will allow you to begin practicing right away With Celtic Flame, you can begin practicing Irish Paganism, accessing the power of the Irish deities and spirits with rituals that work Beyond this, it gives you the inside scoop on the Irish deities, who they are, what they want, and how to get them on your side.

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This book is a complete, practical guide to Irish Pagan traditions that will give you access to essential information about the Pagan Irish deities, spirits, worldview, values, and way of life. More important, it includes information on tools, rituals, and magick that will allow you to begin practicing right away With Celtic Flame, you can begin practicing Irish Paganism, accessing the power of the Irish deities and spirits with rituals that work Beyond


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KategorieNáboženství, filozofie
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Počet stran168
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Rok vydání2008
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Náboženství, filozofie Bertrams