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Cizojazyčná kniha Dali: The Wines of Gala - Hans Werner Holzwarth (EN)

Dali: The Wines of Gala - Hans Werner Holzwarth (EN)

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Angličtina, počet stran 296, rok vydání 2017, pevná / vázanáFollowing up on the best-selling cookbook Les dîners de Gala, in this delightfully eccentric guide the surrealist master shares his passion for the gift of the gods. The book explores the many myths of the grape, in texts and sensuous and subversive works by the artist, always true to his maxim: “A real connoisseur does not drink wine but tastes of its secrets.” Hot on the heels (or lobster claws) of the best-selling Salvador Dalí phenomenon, Les dîners de Gala, Taschen presents the artist’s equally surreal and sensual viticulture follow-up: The Wines of Gala.

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Following up on the best-selling cookbook Les dîners de Gala, in this delightfully eccentric guide the surrealist master shares his passion for the gift of the gods. The book explores the many myths of the grape, in texts and sensuous and subversive works by the artist, always true to his maxim: “A real connoisseur does not drink wine but tastes of its secrets.” Hot on the heels (or lobster claws) of the best-selling Salvador Dalí phenomenon, Les dîners


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KategorieCizojazyčné knihy
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Počet stran296
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Rok vydání2017
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Vazbapevná / vázaná
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