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DVD film DVD Doctor Who: The Trial of a Timelord (2008)

DVD Doctor Who: The Trial of a Timelord (2008)

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Sci-fiThe longest 'Doctor Who' story ever. The Doctor (Colin Baker) is put on trial by his people the Time Lords for interference in the affairs of others; three segments of his past and future are presented as evidence.

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The longest 'Doctor Who' story ever. The Doctor (Colin Baker) is put on trial by his people the Time Lords for interference in the affairs of others; three segments of his past and future are presented as evidence. 'The Mysterious Planet' shows the Doctor and Peri (Nicola Bryant) in a battle with a megalomaniac machine on the planet Ravalox, but what are the mysterious 'secrets' it protects? 'Mindwarp' shows the Doctor apparently betraying Peri to the


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