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Cizojazyčná kniha Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science - J. Kenji López-Alt (2015, pevná)

Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science - J. Kenji López-Alt (2015, pevná)

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Angličtina, počet stran 960, rok vydání 2015, pevná / vázanáA grand tour of the science of cooking explored through popular American dishes, illustrated in full color. Ever wondered how to pan-fry a steak with a charred crust and an interior that's perfectly medium-rare from edge to edge when you cut into it? How to make homemade mac and cheese that is as satisfyingly gooey and velvety-smooth as the blue box stuff, but far tastier? How to roast a succulent, moist turkey (forget about brining) and use a foolproof method that works every time? As Serious Eats's culinary nerd-in-residence, J.

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A grand tour of the science of cooking explored through popular American dishes, illustrated in full color. Ever wondered how to pan-fry a steak with a charred crust and an interior that's perfectly medium-rare from edge to edge when you cut into it? How to make homemade mac and cheese that is as satisfyingly gooey and velvety-smooth as the blue box stuff, but far tastier? How to roast a succulent, moist turkey (forget about brining) and use a foolproof method that works every time?


VýrobceNakladatelství WW Norton & Company
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KategorieCizojazyčné knihy
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Počet stran960
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Rok vydání2015
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Vazbapevná / vázaná
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