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Cizojazyčná kniha Home Work - Anna Yudina (EN)

Home Work - Anna Yudina (EN)

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Angličtina, počet stran 272, rok vydání 2018, pevná / vázanáGrowing numbers of us work not only from home, but from anywhere; job flexibility has become key for employers and workers alike. This, in turn, has created new challenges for architects and designers―many of whom are themselves working from home―who are creating innovative solutions that allow clients to transform their spaces for a wide range of needs, from multifunctional studios to homes that seamlessly combine work and family life.

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Growing numbers of us work not only from home, but from anywhere; job flexibility has become key for employers and workers alike. This, in turn, has created new challenges for architects and designers―many of whom are themselves working from home―who are creating innovative solutions that allow clients to transform their spaces for a wide range of needs, from multifunctional studios to homes that seamlessly combine work and family life. Divided into five


VýrobceThames & Hudson
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KategorieCizojazyčné knihy
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Počet stran272
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Rok vydání2018
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Vazbapevná / vázaná
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Cizojazyčné knihy Thames & Hudson

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