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How Psychology Works: Applied Psychology Visually Explained - Dorling Kindersley [EN] (2018, pevná)

How Psychology Works: Applied Psychology Visually Explained - Dorling Kindersley [EN] (2018, pevná)

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Angličtina, počet stran 256, rok vydání 2018, pevná / vázanáExplore the human mind and understand the science behind how you and other people in your life think and act in a wide range of everyday situations with this brand new visual guide to applied psychology. Using straightforward definitions and clear, striking visuals, The Psychology Handbook makes the workings of the brain easy to understand and shows what happens when things go wrong, with information on disorders such as anxiety and paranoia, as well as explanations of the different therapies that are used to treat them, from CBT to psychoanalysis, group therapy to art therapy.

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Explore the human mind and understand the science behind how you and other people in your life think and act in a wide range of everyday situations with this brand new visual guide to applied psychology. Using straightforward definitions and clear, striking visuals, The Psychology Handbook makes the workings of the brain easy to understand and shows what happens when things go wrong, with information on disorders such as anxiety and paranoia, as well as


VýrobceDorling Kindersley
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KategorieSpolečenské a humanitní vědy
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Počet stran256
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Rok vydání2018
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Vazbapevná / vázaná
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Produktové číslo9780241317693
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