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Anglický jazyk Incredible English 2nd  Edition 4 Class Audio CDs -  Sarah Phillips (2012)

Incredible English 2nd Edition 4 Class Audio CDs - Sarah Phillips (2012)

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Angličtina, rok vydání 2012This great new introduction to the 6-level Incredible English series is a completely wordless course book. The course supports an aural-oral introduction to English, for children who are not yet ready to start reading and writing in English.

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This great new introduction to the 6-level Incredible English series is a completely wordless course book. The course supports an aural-oral introduction to English, for children who are not yet ready to start reading and writing in English. With 60 hours of material, Incredible English Starter aims to bridge the gap between pre-school and primary school and develops their understanding of the world and social skills along with their English language


VýrobceOxford University Press
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KategorieAnglický jazyk
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Rok vydání2012
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Produktové číslo0194442233
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Anglický jazyk Oxford University Press

Všechny anglický jazyk Oxford University Press