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Loki: Agent Of Asgard: The Complete Collection - Al Ewing [EN] (2021, brožovaná)

Loki: Agent Of Asgard: The Complete Collection - Al Ewing [EN] (2021, brožovaná)

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Angličtina, počet stran 504, rok vydání 2021, brožovanáAs Asgardia’s one-man secret service, Loki is ready to lie, cheat and steal his way through the most treacherous missions the All-Mother can throw at him – starting with a heart-stopping heist at Avengers Tower! Loki takes on Lorelei in Monte Carlo’s casinos, heads to the ancient past on a quest for a magical sword and puts together a crew to crack the deepest dungeons of Asgardia itself! Axis pits him against the brutish Thor, god of evil! But who is King Loki? What vile scheme has he been brewing all this time? And what does this shadowy king’s very existence mean for our Loki?.

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As Asgardia’s one-man secret service, Loki is ready to lie, cheat and steal his way through the most treacherous missions the All-Mother can throw at him – starting with a heart-stopping heist at Avengers Tower! Loki takes on Lorelei in Monte Carlo’s casinos, heads to the ancient past on a quest for a magical sword and puts together a crew to crack the deepest dungeons of Asgardia itself!


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KategorieKomiksy pro děti a mládež
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Počet stran504
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Rok vydání2021
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