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Macmillan English Quest 1 Teacher´s Book Pack - Janette Corbett, Roisin O´Farrell
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Angličtina, počet stran 208, rok vydání 2013Publikace: Macmillan English Quest 1 Teacher's Book Pack - Jeanette Corbett; Roisin O'Farrell. Quest is a six-level primary series first published for Spain.
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Publikace: Macmillan English Quest 1 Teacher's Book Pack - Jeanette Corbett; Roisin O'Farrell. Quest is a six-level primary series first published for Spain. It is aimed at children who have little or no previous knowledge of English. The course was developed with the aim of establishing a new approach to primary courses. Therefore, the course remains story-based for Levels 1 and 2, but moves towards being content based in upper levels, with levels 5 and…
Výrobce | Macmillan Education Nahlásit Nahlásit chybu parametru | |
Kategorie | Anglický jazyk Nahlásit Nahlásit chybu parametru | |
Jazyk | angličtina Nahlásit Nahlásit chybu parametru | |
Počet stran | 208 Nahlásit Nahlásit chybu parametru | |
Rok vydání | 2013 Nahlásit Nahlásit chybu parametru |
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