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Madhur Jaffrey's Ultimate Curry Bible - Madhur Jaffrey (EN)

Madhur Jaffrey's Ultimate Curry Bible - Madhur Jaffrey (EN)

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Rok vydání 2003, počet stran 352, angličtina, pevná / vázanáThis is the most comprehensive book ever published on curries, written by Madhur Jaffrey, the world's bestselling Indian cookery author. The influence of the Indian curry has been far-reaching: Indian immigrants and traders influenced the cooking of many other great cuisines of the world, including those of Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan and China.

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This is the most comprehensive book ever published on curries, written by Madhur Jaffrey, the world's bestselling Indian cookery author. The influence of the Indian curry has been far-reaching: Indian immigrants and traders influenced the cooking of many other great cuisines of the world, including those of Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan and China. History blends with recipes in this meticulously researched book, which will prove fascinating


KategorieKuchařky a nápoje
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Počet stran352
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Rok vydání2003
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Vazbapevná / vázaná
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