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Anglický jazyk My Essential Oils Just Arrived! Now What?: The 1, 2, 3s and A, B, Cs For Beginning Essential Oil Users – Dr Sandra G Smith (2015)

My Essential Oils Just Arrived! Now What?: The 1, 2, 3s and A, B, Cs For Beginning Essential Oil Users – Dr Sandra G Smith (2015)

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Angličtina, počet stran 142, rok vydání 2015Dr. Sandra Smith is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and educator, and a Holistic Health Coach.

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Dr. Sandra Smith is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and educator, and a Holistic Health Coach. She has a counseling practice in Southern California where she works with individuals, couples, and families. She teaches college and graduate students in both online and on ground institutions. Early in her career she became acutely aware of the connection between the mind and the body, noticing that when one's physical health falters, one's mental/emotional health can become affected as well.


KategorieAnglický jazyk
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Nahlásit chybu parametru
Počet stran142
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Rok vydání2015
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Nahlásit chybu
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