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Anglický jazyk New Total English Upper Intermediate: Student's Book with Active Book - Araminta Crace (2011, brožovaná) + [CD-ROM]

New Total English Upper Intermediate: Student's Book with Active Book - Araminta Crace (2011, brožovaná) + [CD-ROM]

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Angličtina, rok vydání 2011New Total English retains all the popular features of the original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections.

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New Total English retains all the popular features of the original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer at each level.


VýrobcePearson Education
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KategorieAnglický jazyk
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Rok vydání2011
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