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Original Instructions: Reflections of an Elder on the Teachings of the Elders, Adapting Ancient Wisdom to the Twenty-First Century - Manitonquat [EN] (2009, brožovaná)

Original Instructions: Reflections of an Elder on the Teachings of the Elders, Adapting Ancient Wisdom to the Twenty-First Century - Manitonquat [EN] (2009, brožovaná)

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Angličtina, počet stran 188, rok vydání 2009, brožovaná"Human beings have forgotten their instructions" That is how many of the Native elders responded to Manitonquat when he traveled the continent over forty years ago seeking answers to the questions "What is wrong with people? Why is there war, violence, oppression, greed, injustice, poverty, indifference and destruction of the environment?" Sitting with and listening to many elders of First Nations from all parts of North America, he began to form a clearer idea of what they often called "the Original Instructions." All of Creation is formed by them - what some refer to as Natural Law, Dharma, or Tao. In addition to what is hardwired in our living cells by DNA, human beings learn other instructions about living and relating through the teachings of the communities where they are raised.

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"Human beings have forgotten their instructions" That is how many of the Native elders responded to Manitonquat when he traveled the continent over forty years ago seeking answers to the questions "What is wrong with people? Why is there war, violence, oppression, greed, injustice, poverty, indifference and destruction of the environment?" Sitting with and listening to many elders of First Nations from all parts of North America, he began to form a


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KategorieNáboženství, filozofie
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Počet stran188
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Rok vydání2009
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Náboženství, filozofie Bertrams