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Cizojazyčná kniha Our Universe: An Astronomer's Guide - Jo Dunkley (EN)

Our Universe: An Astronomer's Guide - Jo Dunkley (EN)

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Angličtina, počet stran 300, rok vydání 2019, pevná / vázanáA world-renowned astrophysicist takes us through the huge, unfolding history of the universe The night sky is an endless source of wonder and mystery. For thousands of years it has been at the heart of scientific and philosophical inquiry, from the first star catalogues etched into ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets to the metres-wide telescopes constructed in Chiles Atacama Desert today.

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A world-renowned astrophysicist takes us through the huge, unfolding history of the universe The night sky is an endless source of wonder and mystery. For thousands of years it has been at the heart of scientific and philosophical inquiry, from the first star catalogues etched into ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets to the metres-wide telescopes constructed in Chiles Atacama Desert today. On a clear night it is hard not to look up and pick out familiar constellations, and to think of the visionary minds who pioneered our understanding of what lies beyond.


VýrobcePenguin Books
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KategorieCizojazyčné knihy
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Počet stran300
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Rok vydání2019
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