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Stigma: Erving Goffman

Stigma: Erving Goffman

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Počet stran 176The dwarf, the disfigured, the blind man, the homosexual, the ex-mental patient and the member of a racial or religious minority all share one characteristic: they are all socially "abnormal". This a study of of the ways in which a stigmatized person can develop a more positive social identity.

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The dwarf, the disfigured, the blind man, the homosexual, the ex-mental patient and the member of a racial or religious minority all share one characteristic: they are all socially "abnormal". This a study of of the ways in which a stigmatized person can develop a more positive social identity.


VýrobceModrý Slon
Nahlásit chybu parametru
KategorieSpolečenské a humanitní vědy
Nahlásit chybu parametru
Počet stran176
Nahlásit chybu parametru
Produktové číslo0140124756
Nahlásit chybu parametru
Nahlásit chybu v informacích
Nahlásit chybu
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Společenské a humanitní vědy Modrý Slon

Všechny společenské a humanitní vědy Modrý Slon