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Teaching the Spoken Language - G. Brown, G. Yule
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AngličtinaTeaching the Spoken Language is about teaching the spoken language. It presents in a highly accessible form the results of the author's important research on teaching and assessing effective spoken communication.
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Teaching the Spoken Language is about teaching the spoken language. It presents in a highly accessible form the results of the author's important research on teaching and assessing effective spoken communication. The authors examine the nature of spoken language and how it differs from written language both in form and purpose. A large part…
Výrobce | Bertrams Nahlásit Nahlásit chybu parametru | |
Kategorie | Anglický jazyk Nahlásit Nahlásit chybu parametru | |
Jazyk | angličtina Nahlásit Nahlásit chybu parametru |
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