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The Fear and the Freedom - Keith Lowe (EN)

The Fear and the Freedom - Keith Lowe (EN)

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Rok vydání 2017, angličtina, počet stran 480, pevná / vázanáHow does the experience and memory of the Second World War - one of the most catastrophic events in human history - affect our lives today? The years after 1945 were a time of both terror and wonder, whose impact still dominates our lives. Out of the ashes of war came the superpowers and nations of the modern world.

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How does the experience and memory of the Second World War - one of the most catastrophic events in human history - affect our lives today? The years after 1945 were a time of both terror and wonder, whose impact still dominates our lives. Out of the ashes of war came the superpowers and nations of the modern world. From the new technologies delivered by scientists came the possibility of nuclear war. Politicians fantasized about overhauled societies,


VýrobcePenguin Books
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KategorieDějiny a fakta
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Počet stran480
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Rok vydání2017
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Vazbapevná / vázaná
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