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The Holocaust Muzeum v knize_AJ verze: Emmert František

The Holocaust Muzeum v knize_AJ verze: Emmert František

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Rok vydání 2013, čeština, počet stran 64The mass murder of six million European Jews in Nazi extermination camps – for which the term Holocaust (Hellenic: “a completely (holos) burnt (kaustos) sacrificial offering) was adopted in the 1970s – remains a completely unique historical event. It cannot be compared to any other political crime of the past – even to the bloody genocide of Armenians after the First World War or to the crimes of Stalin in the Soviet Union and of Pol Pot in Cambodia.

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The mass murder of six million European Jews in Nazi extermination camps – for which the term Holocaust (Hellenic: “a completely (holos) burnt (kaustos) sacrificial offering) was adopted in the 1970s – remains a completely unique historical event. It cannot be compared to any other political crime of the past – even to the bloody genocide of Armenians after the First World War or to the crimes of Stalin in the Soviet Union and of Pol Pot in Cambodia.


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KategorieDějiny a fakta
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Počet stran64
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Rok vydání2013
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Produktové číslo100017458867
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