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Filmová hudba The Matrix Revolutions: Music From The Motion Picture - Various [2LP] (Coloured)

The Matrix Revolutions: Music From The Motion Picture - Various [2LP] (Coloured)

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Druh média LPSoundtrack k pokračování trilogie Matrix vyšel na CD v roce 2003. Skladby: A1.

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Soundtrack k pokračování trilogie Matrix vyšel na CD v roce 2003. Skladby: A1. The Matrix Revolutions Main Title A2. The Trainman Cometh A3. Tetsujin A4. In My Head A5. The Road To Sourceville A6. Men in Metal A7. Niobe’s Run A8. Woman Can Drive B1. Moribund Mifune B2. Kidfried B3. Saw Bitch Workhorse B4. Trinity Definitely B5. Neodammerung C1. Why, Mr. Anderson? C2. Spirit of the Universe C3. Navras D1. etching


VýrobceWarner Music
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KategorieFilmová hudba
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Druh médiaLP
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