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Zahraniční hudba You Gotta Go There to Come Back - Stereophonics (LP)

You Gotta Go There to Come Back - Stereophonics (LP)

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Pop, rock, LPYou Gotta Go To Come Back - skladby: A1 Help Me (She's Out Of Her Mind), A2 Maybe Tomorrow, A3 Madame Helga B1 Climbing The Wall, B2 Getaway, B3 You Stole My Money Honey, C1 Jealousy, C2 I'm Alright (You Gotta Go There To Come Back), C3 Nothing Precious At All, D1 Rainbows & Pots Of Gold, D2 I Miss You Now, D3 High As The Ceiling, D4 Since I Told You It's Over.

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You Gotta Go To Come Back - skladby: A1 Help Me (She's Out Of Her Mind), A2 Maybe Tomorrow, A3 Madame Helga B1 Climbing The Wall, B2 Getaway, B3 You Stole My Money Honey, C1 Jealousy, C2 I'm Alright (You Gotta Go There To Come Back), C3 Nothing Precious At All, D1 Rainbows & Pots Of Gold, D2 I Miss You Now, D3 High As The Ceiling, D4 Since I Told You It's Over.


VýrobceMercury Records
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KategorieZahraniční hudba
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